Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Getting abit Famous! hehe

After participate in singing competition and won for the first price last few weeks ago. The University has choosen me to participate in TianJin International Student Chinese Speech Competition, YES! its the first time state of the Tianjin organise this kinda competition. The competition falls on the 5 DEC and its going to show LIVE ON TV,

There is quite a number of participants Indian, Scotish, African, American, Japanese, Korean, Mongolian, Vietnamese and etc.. of course never forget Malaysian as well and thats me!! So last week we have a small audition to absorb out the potential one. And again!! I won the place which mean i am going to appear infront of the TV LIVE on 5th DEC,the whole tianjin population is going to see me live on TV...thats why recently busying preparing for the competition stuff, like asking my parents back home to send me over the Malay contume for the show, i receive already thanks mom and dad..muaks i love you! If this time i win again, i will be little famous international student in TianJin... hehehe gambateh...

Saturday, November 11, 2006

就是现在咯!( 9/11/2006) Getting more style

晚上了终于都晚上了, 还是晚上最好,把诗人空间留给自己写blog。啊!!我也真是的,那么就都没写blog了。

不拿起日历算呀算,都不知道 在 中国待了两个多月了,这里的生活脚步已经都不在陌生,朋友老师们的口腔都听的明白,所有的事都不成问题。大学生活就这样开始了,每天除了上课下课,聊天, 食堂吃饭,回房做功课,偶而打下球,基本上都没什么特别的事。。。不过,很开心的事是我学了我想学的,任务达成心理开心,感激,总算没白来。现在我开始参 加一些活动充实自己。此外,我还将会上德语课和法语课,多学几种语言还不错吧!!

这儿的天气慢慢的转凉了,中午就10°15°,晚上呢就一旦出门就得穿多及件衣服。最令我恐惧和担心的事是这儿的“风”, 因为学校靠海所以风力很大,大约是78级吧,吹得我们走路困难。天气又凉加上风力大,冬死我了!所以我们一般走路不说话。开始的漫漫想念了马来西亚的天气,虽然是热了些,不过总比冷好多了。逗留了两个多月,感觉好像身边发生过好多事。好吧,就在此又祝各位身体健康,你我“嘎巴特”

Wow, its been quite a long time I have not active my blog, if i never ever pick up my calendar from my shelves I really never realize that I have been staying in China for two month now. So far I haven’t regret for every single foot step I have been through for past two month, I have already transform myself to the lifestyle here perhaps its Uni life here should said. China accent its no-longer a hard break to me, in the same time learning their accent is even a breakthrough for me. LOL!! But facing local mysteriously vocabulary is like facing a huge history of Great wall keep banging the wall just hoping to understand the meaning. HARD!!!

There is nothing special about Uni life, the only advantage or benefit that you’ve got compare to those who work is that you have more spare time slacking around, jerking around. But I always make use of this time dating in the room YES with my pillow. Kekeke…Nah!! Of course I have always never forget about my target and purposes of coming here to study, perhaps I am kinda glad of what I am actually doing now. I swear and promise to myself that there is no air ticket for me to go back unless I have been through my German or French Class at least one of each. Nuts!!

Alright, perhaps those I mention above u think is NUTS, yeah perhaps it is, but there is something much more terrible then I have ever had. The temperature is going down and its going to be -10° and the current situation were 1° or 0°. The evil thing is that the holy mother of this weather god love to add some sugar r salt into it, to torture the living things here, there we suffer from the 7 level to 8 level of strong wind everyday. WICKED!!! Argg….**grin*** HELOO WHO EVER UP THERE!!! did you know that we can't walked like this?? and keep fighting with the wind and ended up late for class??? human walk forward and we don;t walk side way, and now mother of god is training me to walk side way, learning to be a CRAB!! argg.... its not crappy, is really CRAB!!!haha

Ahh no matter how, Malaysia is still the best, at least i have been taught to walk forward when the wind blow since the day i learn to walked!!

So friend gambateh yah!! And take care.