Tuesday, April 17, 2007



我也不例外,我也是曾经讨厌过人和被讨厌过,不过时间久了,感觉厌气也慢慢的淡了,谈起话来也不再有心理压,那种感觉很refreshing, 有时候想回去,觉得很幼稚,哈哈。 人就那么的可爱,对吗?

我 本身不喜欢讨厌人,我真的不喜欢这种感觉,因为很痛苦,生活突然变得有压力,生活变得黑暗,乌烟瘴气,讨厌的人本来是我的朋友,也因此变成敌人很陌生。这 种感觉很不好受,我相信被我讨厌的人比我还要难过。我不喜欢有压力,我讨厌那样的我,因为这不是我。但是有时候,难免会不赞同某个人的做法,而令我感觉到 反感,不管她/他做什么都好,还是觉得不够好,很烂,关于他的东西就是臭东西。。。


呵呵。。。哪你呢?你们如何啊。。?? 说说看。。。


Monday, April 16, 2007

Thanks For the Cake and The Suprises

**5th April 2007**
Million and billion thanks yo budd! You know who you are. Holy Shit!! the first time first year celebrated brithday in CHINA!!yeeepieee.. So to whoeva bought me cake, prezzie, surprises and birthhday song. Thanks! also Although the cake is not as tasty as the La Manila back home, but because it expresses every piece of love from you guys! Jasper feel it!! Thanks!


*note : camera spoile on the same day, so no picture snap for the lovely moment *sad*
Everyone are too happy and forgoten to snap pic ishh...

HI GUYS, here recent update of me

Hey my readers!! how is everyone??

Yeah it has been a long time since I updated. Reason is just that I couldn’t log in to multiply here in China! But I assure you all out there I coming back for good! Haha.

Its been a month plus back in where I am to strive for my dream, Yea everything doesn’t seem peacefully done. Doin lotz of partying, chillin out, shoppin and food! Ohh god gave me a break b4 I losing lotzz of credits again! God damn it i spoile my camera ahhhhh

Having Fever this day. No GOOD!! With the song “Killing me softly with this song”

Yeap weather in Mainland now has slightly increase. HOORAY!! I wondered, fantastic news for a species like me, who misses Malaysia hot climate madly. But still the weather doesn’t seem to suit me much, heater in the dorm has not been working since the day I came back and tat makes the god damn weather in dorm dwindle down.

But anyway I update soonn…



妈妈最伟大,可怜的她永远是为孩子们操心, 我妈妈个子幼小,但是拥有超人力。嫁给了这个家三十多年没有停过的牺牲了自己,每次付出所有的尽力,时间,血汗换来幸福和温软给大家,她不只是很棒的一位 厨师,还成为了我们的老师及心理学家。每当回到家时,一定会先关心我们是否填饱肚子,不然就会为我们准备热腾腾的爱心饭菜来温饱大家的肚子。因为如此,她 以牺牲了她的优秀温柔的双手,每当轻轻摸着她的双手时就会感觉到辛酸,心痛。妈妈说那双手是充满爱心得双手,天下无敌的手,妈妈你是我们心理永远的观音。




她是我们家的仙女,很疼爱兄弟,永远都把最 好的留给弟弟。姐姐辛格坚强,聪明,能干,所以已经在澳大利亚毕业和工作了还得到了居留证,已经是一半的澳大利亚公民,啊姐最了不起的地方是她在一间大型 国际会计公司上工,收入不错。很佩服她拥有一个女强人的性格,希望她永远都是我们的坚强仙女的好大姐。祝她早日找到适合她的对象,因为追求者不少所以阿 姐!!all the best 不要慢慢调了啦。祝你永远青春美丽。


弟弟年龄最小,是家里的宝贝儿,年纪小小的他是位钢琴高手,有时候他还有自己的一套,拥有艺术家及音乐家的风格和脾气,不喜欢人家干扰他当他在享受音乐的时候,所以家里大大小小都很疼爱他,因为如此我中觉得他被宠坏了。不过他心地善良并不作恶, 半年不见了阿弟长大了,个子不像是往前的可爱小巧玲珑的小孩儿了,看来过不久快高过阿哥 啦。加油阿哥会替你高兴。可怜的他,今年被爸妈送去学校宿舍住,原因在于要他好好学好平行,学习独立,做个好汉。不过每个周末还是回家享福的。阿弟你要好 好照顾自己,虽然阿哥对你比较严肃,不过我还是疼你的。祝你学业进步!

我还不错,现在在中国天津上大学修基本动画,摄影及一些舞台设计,而且也顺便旅游啦!! 很多人问我为什么选择中国留学,真得那么好吗? 好!很好! 真的是不错。我之前也是觉得不理想,不过到了那里,真的另眼相看。幸福的是,那里很多国 际设计展览,不过到现在我还没时间去看看。我很荣幸认识了许许多多从不同国家来的朋友,感觉很轻且,中文也说的很流力,甚至比我强的都有。。。所以阿,马 来西亚的华人要争气啊!!现在红毛人都要吃中国饭,抢我们的地盘啦! 3月4日就要回中国了,有点不舍得马来西亚的生活及朋友,但是有舍才有的,我会明白的,我会做的最好。。。

p/s : 这 次回家,我真的好珍惜每一份每一秒和家人及朋友们,兄弟们聚会。虽然有的变了生疏了,但是大家都有各自的烦恼,所以是好事,我觉得这是进步。这一走就要等 到十万八千里的那一天哪一夜才能和大家见面?我并不知道。。。实说是半年而已,但是我并不确定会回国先,如果是我会很开心的。

Thursday, March 01, 2007

6Week Momento

wondering how times speed...
neva alone, neva forget tis 6 week bac home is such a wonderful moment.
laughther, chillin, food, friends, night out lifestyle pumpin, driving gosh *stop all this mumbling* juz can't resist them. yea i luv ya guys!!
best moment flashing bac deep into my brain, best moment is to be togteher with family & relatives/cousins feelin of true love, true kindness of caring & the neverendless treasures of heat is still burning, Jasper feel it
Final Week
seriously, not much feelin until now of going back there, i donno but tis is the current moment i am havin. Looking forward for every thousand or million moment to meet dup, juzz feelin bit guilty tat i can't make it somtime but to all the frienzz how much i love. apologiz to whom eva i drop out or dismeet dup. *u know who u are*
feelin dump or Dumb?? i am satisfy, really satisfied...
so, its times for packing up, returning to where i suppose to strive for dream seat!! to CHINA here i come again!!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Contento giorno di san Valentino

" are ya lonesome tonight, are ya lonely tonight..."wish ya happy valentine honey while the song by Elvis Presley playing in my small little walnut(brain), miss ya alotz yo huggies.celebrating my 5th valentines again without ya besides... how hav ya been? hop ya not lonely in LA with loads of fellas...no no no i kept recalling not 2 4get ya honey... take care with loadzz of luv transfering hiar.
No no no, not too lonely honey, i hav a great time with good dinner and good chat filled with laughs and chills with my budd hiar. Nothing 2 worry about. the Great moment of the night is tat we bump into road block, yes WTF rite?!! *smack on hand*encounter with a dark suit Uniform trouble maker fellas those i always luv to called begger. actually hope to trouble us with ticket fining for the overloading of passenger in our car man... hey come on, gave us a break, Its valentines days unless u wanna put ur dick into our ARSss baybee or elsee leave us ALONE. LOLzzz YES yes yes!!! and i guess right, u know wud? they really leave us ALone... hahahpm.. kinda intresting har...!!
anyways... luv u guyzz who celebrate the great night with me, and also those who are not. muaks...ONCE MORE I WANNA WISH ALL OF YOU
Contento giorno di san Valentino

Friday, February 09, 2007

Frenzz bac Home more more pic on d'wayzz.

with Lanyin, Chloe, Elsie Jordan, Wendy, Yan at Cheras
Sup ya guyzz, story tella, jokes, ghost shipping (read fast get it right).
Can i stay bit longer, juzz wanna listen to Neva Ending story againzz??

with sally & Sue neway
yo! wuddup guyzz, long time no see. Can we sing again someday later?

with billy boy and ah looi at Hartamas
wuddup guyss, my most trust worthy frenzz eva. Luv u da mosss!!

- hey hey Stay tune more pic update hior-

Lovely Year Ahead! 2007

Wel wel, guezz is another new year ahead. Posting muai 1st bloggieee todaayy.
though, kinda late its feb ady. But neva eva forget mua lovely bloggiee hior!!
New year new wishes Blah Blah Blah, wudeva how this people asked. shaking and stirrin!! No comment. (Of cos i know wud to do tis yer!! Muai lovely frenzzz no worriezz muakaka)

People alwayszz said = DO YOUR BEST AND THE GOD DO THE REST

Most importanly wish world peace pls plss.. i cried and beggg GOD!! gav every wuon a break!!
Mami,dadi, JiJi, Didi & Mi healthy alwayss

Hoping tat i won't b spending whop of money from muai pocket tis yer! Apparently get wudeva i wan for certain.
Study!! yea yea juzz gav muai a BREAK TOo!! i will break it to the TOP!!

rite guess nothing too much 2 write yo... Juzz wish "eva ri one de Best"

PIg yer pig life = as in relaxing yer 4ya!!

