Friday, December 01, 2006

A very Misty Morning.

Today morning is kinda intresting for me, the reason is that i woke up 30min late for class and amazingly manage to reach the building under the troublesom of thick mist. Strangely 70% of classmate gone missing! INCLUDING THE CLASS TEACHER!!wondering weather are they playing puzzling or hide and seek out there and never come back, LOL. stone for awhile and keep nagging by blaming in my heart, WTF**K must well i choose to soak in the blanket in such a cooling morning instead of rushing as if the WAR is coming. The air is kinda cooling this morning so i have no choice but to wear thinker, for a species like me that used to the summer weather back home. AHhh.. how i wish there is bird chirping outside the window while the sunlight shines into my room, with the fresh cooling breezy air. (LEG STepping the floor) if ever there is sandy beaches will add flavor to me.


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